Subscription starts from $185/month

CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+)

CompTIA ITF+ helps professionals to decide if a career in IT is right for them or to develop a broader understanding of IT.


Structured learning, individual follow-up

Get access to your syllabus and tools that sharpen your skills every time.

Top Quality Questions

Top Quality Questions

Our questions are crafted by experienced instructors who have the skills to sieve fluffy language from hardcore facts in interviews
Detailed Analysis

Detailed Analysis

Your instructor will tell you just how good you are doing with statistical backing from data that tracks your performance. Then you know exactly how to improve.
Hot exam settings

Hot exam settings

Benefit from the pressure of timed exams to encourage you to actually study and get your certificate from us.
Relevant videos

Relevant videos

Video resources are added to help you visually experience what you have learned. We bring you targeted content to satisfy the specific topic need.


CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) Subscription Plans

To be paid as a one-time payment.

Training only

Take your first steps into IT with intense LIVE training and follow-up. Learn the lingo, understand technology and perpare for an industry standard certificate that will launch you into a new world of financial independence in IT

$215 /month

To be paid $430 for 2 months

Buy Plan

2 Months Unlimited Access To

  • Practice Sets
  • Quizzes
  • Lessons
  • Videos
  • Exams

Most Popular

Training and certification

Get trained and certified for this industry-standard certification by CompTIA so that you can begin your career in IT. This option includes examination fees and actual mock exams. You get extended support for out-of-class tutoring.

$185 /month

To be paid $555 for 3 months

Buy Plan

3 Months Unlimited Access To

  • Practice Sets
  • Quizzes
  • Lessons
  • Videos
  • Exams


We have great feedback from our students

Our legacy grows with student confidence

The teaching method is quite personal and it is live. I find the teacher very concise and knowledgeable. Every lesson I come out of leaves me with droves of real life IT examples.

Raymond N.

Raymond N.

New to IT

I thought I was in a good place but now I see that there is so much I have to learn. The process is structured and the teaching is expertly

Winston F.

Winston F.

Refresher student